Thursday, October 18, 2012

Something to Dwell Upon...

8 days! YAY!

Thank you for all who have been praying for me to get over whatever this sickness is that I have. I am now on my 2nd RX. Keep praying that it goes away soon!

I've been talking a lot about caring for the world in need and breaking out of our apathetic shells. The other day, one of my facebook friends posted something that I just cannot get out of my mind, and I feel like I should post it for you all to read:

During metamorphosis, what happens in a cocoon is that most of the caterpillar gets dissolved by enzymes into a soup of undifferentiated cells and then the butterfly grows out of the same DNA. No wonder change hurts so much.
Think about that for awhile. Change NEVER comes easy, no matter what it is. Those of you who are friends with me on facebook, (if you're not I would LOVE to be your friend) have probably seen that I'm redoing my room. This week I have spent hours and hours painting, and taping, and running to Lowes (dad, I totally get why you like that store so much!). My dad has been awesome in helping me do stuff while I'm at work, then I spend the entire evening from dinner until about 2 am working on stuff. 
And God has been teaching me so many lessons about change while going through this process. My dad told me I needed to paint the ceiling before I started on the walls. To me, the ceiling looked fine. It was a little dirty, but to me, it was one of those things that my perfectionist father wanted done. I thought that, that is, until I started painting the ceiling and realized what a difference it made.
 Just because we might think that something in our lives "isn't that bad", if God says it needs to be repainted, then it does. We are so desensitized and blinded to the dirty ceilings in our lives that we don't realize how badly it needs to be redone. 
So in what areas does God need to turn you in a soupy pile of DNA in order to reconstruct you a little closer to his image?
May we always be in a process of metamorhpisis in our lives,

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