Thursday, October 25, 2012

Just Some Pre-trip Rambles...

I'm sitting at work, starting to get pretty antsy to get out of here...a little over an hour left...

It's hard to believe that we fly out tomorrow evening! We everything going on in the Anderson family/extended family lately, this trip has really snuck up on me! I spent my lunch break getting some last minute items, and I need to run some more errands and finish packing tonight...

And then we are meeting around 7:30-7:45 to load up the vans on Friday. In the morning. Yikes. In case you don't know, let me just fill you in. I am NOT a morning person. Thankfully, the excitment takes precedence over the wee hour (at least in my previous experiences)!

It's currently 10:50 p.m. in Romania. 7 hour time difference. While it's still the recipe for some jet-lagged sleep schedules, nothing beats the complete reversal of day and night in Cambodia. For the first few days after we got back to the states I literally went to bed at 6pm and got up around 5am. Deb would joke with Violet (who at the time was about 1) that I had an earlier bedtime than she did!

This year it's gonna be a lot different, though, as I can't ease myself back into my normal routine. I'm working through today (obviously) and then I go back to work on Tuesday, right after we get back. I'm thinking I'm gonna need a cup of coffee come 3:00 for the first few days I'm back!

I still haven't decided what all books I'm taking with me for the plane/car/train rides. I'm definitely  taking the Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis. I've read parts of it before, but never the whole thing. I'm thinking about taking The Brothers Karamozov by Dosteovsky, but I'm not sure that I want something that in-depth to read while traveling. I'm open to any suggestions, so let me know what you think! You can email me at with any suggestions, or if you have questions for me to answer, or things you want me to blog about, and I'll do my best to answer them!

Excitement abounding,

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