Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Way God Works [part 2]

I feel it only fair to expound upon the way God worked out my new job situation to go on this trip, in order to give praise where priase is due.

I started about halfway through June. I figured there was no point in applying for Romania, becuase no office would give time off 4 months after hiring someone. But I couldn't let it go. I hesitate to use the word "nag" in this situation, as it has a negative connotation, but God would just not let me forget about it. So I finally decided to apply to get Him to stop bringing it up. I figured I probably wouldn't get it anyway, so no harm done.

And then I found out that I was a finalist. It was time to bring it up at work. The people I work for are amazing, but I was still scared about asking for 2 weeks, literally weeks after I started. The whole day I rehearsed what I was going to say, over and over again, trying to get it to sound perfect. I watched the clock tick by slowly, dreading the end of the day, when it would be time to ask. And like always, I started coming up with reasons why I couldn't do it that day. I'll ask her on a day when Tom and Meghan aren't here, I reasoned with myself, and God. Well, friends, don't try to get out of stuff with God. I am convinced that he chuckles to himself and says, sure.

Well, I'm sure you can guess where this story is going. Tom and Meghan both left around 4:00 that day. Like child walking to clear the dinner table, I slowly trudged back to Patty's office, and asked the question to which I was sure the answer would be a "no" or a "that just wouldn't be possible right now". After explaining the nature of the trip, the time-frame, and my willingness to work evenings and weekends to make up for lost time and make sure everything is done, she answered.

I will never forget what she said to me. "You need to go. You absolutely cannot pass up an opporunity like that."

But beyond giving me permission to miss work, every day she would ask if I heard whether or not I got the position, officially. They all told me how excited they were and how much they hoped I got the spot on the team. When I told them that I was officially a part of the team, they were so excited for me.

Now they ask me how preparations are going, and if I'm getting excited, and all the questions that one gets asked when preparing for a trip of this nature.

It is such a blessing to know that not only are they ok with me missing 2 full weeks or work, but they are excited for the opportunity that God has blessed me with.

I'll close with this completely unrelated thought: It's kinda terrifying when the sheriff's department calls to talk to you.

Fear not, blog readers, it was just to say that my courthouse ID tag is ready to be picked up.


  1. i love reading your blog ali. i was just getting caught up. i'm so excited for you! on another note, i'd pay to see the look on your face when the police called. haha.

  2. Thanks, Faithe! I'm sure you can imagine. It was a typical me face. "This is the sheriff's department. May I speak with an Alicia Anderson?" One of the most terrifying moments of my life. hahahahaha.
