Wednesday, November 7, 2012

House Church and Winter Hats

Another ministry that we got to see firsthand of Melissa’s was her work with one of the house church’s that meets in Suceava. The kids have Bible lessons, and are also learning their answers for Junior Bible Quiz. If you, like me, aren’t familiar with this program, you can find out more information about that here:

This week’s lesson was on Creation. The kids went through a worksheet, and then did activities like drawing a picture of something they created with their own hands, and coloring a picture of creation.

Something special about this week, though, was the winter hats and gloves. One of Melissa’s sponser churches sent her a lot of beautiful hats and gloves to give to the village children. We got the privilege of handing them out at the house church meeting that we were a part of. The kids were so excited as they picked out the colors and styles that they wanted, and it was a joy to see the other end of donating to missionaries. 

We ended the night with saying the Lord's Prayer together. Isn't it awesome that God transcends language, and every single person on earth can communicate with him?


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