Monday, November 5, 2012

Green Trees! [or Teaching English in the Romanian School]

One Aspect of Melissa's ministry is teaching English classes to the Romanian school children. Thursday our team got to experience a little of what that's like for her.

The first class that we were in was a Kindergarten class for 4 year olds and then another for 3  They had been learning the colors red, blue, green, and yellow. (roșu, albastru, verde, and galben) After playing a version of "Red Light, Green Light" and shouting the colors out, the children colored pictures like a yellow banana and a green tree.

We also got to see what Melissa does with the older kids. We spent time in a fourth grade classroom where they were going over their vocabulary words like cap, pan, hippo, rat, and many others. They went through the vocab first, and then played a couple games with the words. One game was a matching game that they had to read the word in English and then match it with the picture of it's meaning. Another game was Tic-tac-toe, but they only got points if they got the words right. 

It was a lot of fun to see what Melissa did in her English classes, and to help the kids color their pictures and play the games. We had a great time, and the kids seemed to enjoy having us there. 

I have to throw in these last few pictures, because these kids were too cute to not share. They were my buddies while in the fourth grade class:

Although we couldn't communicate very well, they would just look at me every couple minutes and I would smile at them, and they would just get the biggest grins on their faces. It was too cute.

Well my friends, we have had another long and exhausting day, and have another full day, and night of traveling ahead of us tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to spend some time getting ya'll caught up on my travels throughout the country, but for now, I must say goodnight.

Thankful for green trees, 

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