Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Way God Works [part 1]

I touched on this a little in my initial post about this trip, but I feel the need to expound upon the way God worked out all the details, so as not to take His grand orchestration of my life for granted (as we too often do).

As I mentioned before, when Scott spoke about this trip to our church family, I was in the process of looking for a full-time job.

Any of you who have recently attempted to find work, know how tedious and frustrating this process is. Hours spent scouring the internet for anything that I was remotely qualified for and didn't seem too sketchy. The repitition of tweaking my resume and cover letter over and over again. Finding a job these days is every bit as hard as it seems. (Just to let every know. The job market is NOT getting better. I do not say this from a political standpoint, just from my new life experience of trying to get a job in a failing job market.)

At any rate, after weeks of searching, I was offered a job. It was one that I wouldn't like doing. It would be a fight every time I had to work. But it was a job. Something that I needed.

But there were a lot of downfalls, besides being the tedious, miserable job that my generation hopes to stay away from. The biggest problem was that I would barely be able to be involved in church as I would work Wednesday and Sunday nights. That didn't sit well with me. All throughout college, but especially the last two years, I was really excited about moving back home to get heavily involved in Calvary. That was something that I missed while at school. I LOVE our church and church family and the thought of still not being able to get inolved made me really sad.

Ok, God, You know I need a job. But you also know that I want to serve you through Calvary. So do what you do best, take this situation, and guide me where you want me to go.

And then I got another call for an interview. A job that I had no training in, no experience in, and was completely out of my league. The first interview went well. A few days later I got a call for a second interview. That was to be held on the same day and time as my training for job A.

So now I was completely confused and at a loss of what to do. (Shocking, I know.) Should I give up the opportunity for this job that's a yes, for a possibility that may or may not happen? Job B was everything I was looking for, but when faced with the decision of a definite for a maybe, it gets a little scary.

As usual, I went to my parents for advice. (I kinda liked the days when they would just tell me what to do. This whole "your an adult and need to decide for yourself" kinda stinks sometimes.) Enter God's orchestration.  I went to my parent's seperately. They didn't talk to each other about this opportunity or discuss it previously without anyone else. And they both came to the exact same conclusion. God know's you need a job, this one's kinda been thrown in your lap. Go to the interview.

And now, here I am, writing this post from my awesome desk at my awesome job. It's so awesome to be able to look back over the summer and pinpoint exactly where God was working and moving in my life. This Sunday made me sooo thankful for following the way he was leading instead of taking the "safe" way out. Sunday morning started with worship team practice, followed by singing in the service. Then I had a meeting in the afternoon with my fellow leaders of our children's program, Evening service, and choir practice after. None of which I would have been able to do if I took job A.

This post is getting a little long, so I will cut the story short here. Stayed tuned for more details on the way God worked out my boss giving me the time off!

With 2 cups of coffee downed, and another in hand,

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